>>> kitchen Kitchen(person=IronChef(), oven=Oven(), clock=Clock(), outside=Door()) >>> kitchen.person.talk() ("Wanderer, welcome to Kitchen Stadium! I challenge you to a test of your baking skills. Bake me a cake, and I shall permit you to pass! But fail to bake me a cake... and you will be trapped here forever! Here's the recipe, get to it!", ) >>> kitchen.outside.open() Town(seeds=SeedSeller(), farmer=Farmer(), ocean=Ocean(salt_water=SaltWater()), meadow=Meadow(bee=Bee(), sunflower=Sunflower(), grass=Grass())) >>> kitchen.outside.open().farmer.talk() ("Yee haw! It sure is a hot day! I'm thirsty, could you bring me some water?", "If you do so, I'll let you visit the most wonderful tourist attraction our home has to offer - my farm!")